Why Should I Read The Bible?

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet, And a light to my path. (nkjv)


When asked, "What book has most influenced your life?" most folks say, "The Bible." Yet fewer than 14% of us read it every day. How come? Our most common excuses are: (1) "I have no time." Many of the books in your Bible can be read in ten to forty-five minutes, with some less than twenty minutes. By taking a chapter a day, you can complete the book of Proverbs in a month and the Epistle of James in five days! Now that's a lot of Wisdom in a very short time. Isn't it? (2) "I don't know where to begin." If reading from Genesis through to the end seems overwhelming, then just pick small pieces. Try reading one of the four Gospels, Matthew, Luke, Mark or John. You will learn about the entire life of Jesus. It's a GREAT biography that will change your life. So just start! (3) "It's not exciting." Do you like Romance? Read the book of Ruth. Looking for adventure? Try Judges or Acts. Enjoy poetry? Explore Song of Solomon. From History to How-To, it's all right there in your Bible! (4) "Isn't going to Church every week good enough?" Billy Graham says, "The Bible is the Road Map for life. and while your pastor can highlight the best route to take, you learn how to navigate life's twists and turns for yourself." (5) "It makes me uncomfortable."
When you don't know what God's Word actually says, it's easy to equate it with negative experiences and hypocrisy you've observed throughout your life. Then the tendency is to "throw out the baby with the bath water." Think about that old phrase. You clean the baby, the dirt you removed is in the bath water. You wouldn't throw the baby away with the dirty water. You would gently lift the baby into your arms and dry it off. That is what your Heavenly Father does, only the water is the blood of His Son Jesus. No question, the Bible makes you face the hard truths. It "Judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12 NIV) It gives you a "check-up, from the neck up." But you'll discover who you are, what your called to do, and become empowered to do it!

* adapted from The Word For You Today Dec09

This post is dedicated to a special young lady that God just brought into mine and Judy's life, we love you Jen!