Our Friend in Nevada, Paul Cavnar sent this and it's very much worth reading and letting the Holy Spirit Teach us from the Word. Thanks to Steve Becker for writing this short, but powerful message.
By: Steve Becker
For the hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber... the night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Romans 13:11-12This is one of my favorite passages (at the moment). It helps me understand the present day, the time we are living in. I discovered it in a reading on Job by Gregory the Great. His point is that we are living at daybreak, or dawn, when day and night are mixed together. It is the people of God who are the dawn moving toward day.
Day is breaking in our world, it is breaking today and it is breaking through each of us because the Spirit of Christ himself is alive in us! Dawn tells us that the night is over, it's almost gone but it does not yet bring the full light of day. It holds both of them together. Do you not experience this in your own life? We do much that is by the divine power of God, we show great charity at times, miracles happen through us, we do divine things yet we are not free of the darkness. In many ways, we still fall short.
In Job, God is identified as the one who has given orders to the morning and shown dawn in its place (Job 38:12). Lead on, Lord, show us your place. Stir your power within us in our situations and propel us to morning. Let us not give in to the deeds of the night but rather walk in the integrity of the light so the dawn may advance in the places you have given us.
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